
Public Safety and Emergency Response

The safety of our neighborhoods is the key to a high quality, family oriented community. I support strong law enforcement, rapid emergency response and expansion of our Neighborhood Watch Program.

Parks, Recreation and Open Space

Our parks must be maintained at their present high standards. I’m committed to and support continuing our recreation programs, adding new programs when new needs arise and favor adding open space whenever possible. 

Fiscal Accountability

Prudent use of your tax dollars is my priority.  I will insist on balanced budgets, fiscal responsibility, and tight spending controls. Transparency in city actions and ensuring the public has an opportunity to provide suggestions and ask questions about the budget and spending is the core of my beliefs.


Rocklin benefits from having some of the highest quality schools in the region, state and nationally. I support close cooperation between the City and the Rocklin School District to ensure we continue to have the highest quality schools. Joint planning and cooperation is in the best interest of our children. Schools are a tremendous asset to our community.

Economic Development

A balanced economy along with occupied store and office space is my priority. I will focus on keeping existing businesses in Rocklin and will support efforts to bring new businesses here. A particular area of focus will be the development along Highway 65 and Whitney Ranch Parkway. I also support revitalizing the older Downtown area of the city.