Greg Janda
Mayor, City of Rocklin
Jill Gayaldo
Vice-Mayor, City of Rocklin
Diana Ruslin, Peter Hill, Jerry Mitchell, Ken Yorde, Connie Cullivan George Magnuson, Scott Yuill and Brett Storey
Former Rocklin Mayors
Mark and Claudia Diele
Rocklin Residents
Greg and Kathy Turner
Rocklin Residents
Joe and Janis Wuelfing
Rocklin Residents
Stephanie Youngblood
Mayor, Town of Loomis
Amanda Cortez
Councilmember, Town of Loomis
Alice Dowdin Calvillo
Councilmember, City of Auburn
Krista Bernasconi
Vice Mayor, City of Roseville
Tracy Mendonsa
Councilmember, City of Roseville
Keith and Rachael Irby
Rocklin Residents
Dave and Suzanne Rogelstad
Rocklin Residents
Gregg McKenzie
Rocklin Planning Commission
Chris Anderson, Nancy Hartwell
Rocklin Parks, Recreation and Arts Commissioners
Bill Halldin, Dave Bass
Rocklin City Council Members
Bruce Houdesheldt
Roseville Mayor
Rachelle Price
Rocklin School Board
Robert Weygandt
Former Placer County Supervisor
Robert Dugan
Placer County Water Agency
Josh Alpine
Board member
Placer County Water Agency
Bob Sinclair
Board Vice President, Area 7
Sierra College
Kathrin Grosse
Small Business Owner
Kathrin’s Biergarten
Kevin Kiley
Roger Nello
California State Senator
Joe Patterson
California Assemblyman District 5
Paul Ruhkala, John Carter
Former Rocklin Parks, Recreation and Arts Commissioners
Todd Lowell
Rocklin Business Owner
Bonnie Gore, Cindy Gustafson, Jim Holmes and Shanti Landon
Placer County Supervisors
Holly Woods-Andreatta, Paul Joiner
Lincoln Councilmembers
Rocklin Firefighters Local #3847
Rocklin Police Officers’ Association
Rocklin Area Chamber of Commerce PAC
*Partial List